Once they’ve all got a place to lay their weary heads the fun can really start. As your workmen lay the last brick you don’t have a moment to let them rest as they need to get started on the first proper cell block so you can make room for the next prisoner intake. You’ve got to crack on and build a holding cell to detain the job lot of maximum security prisoners that are trundling to your future prison on their yellow bus. As the sun casts it’s early morning rays on a beautiful patch of countryside the clock starts ticking. Use Zombie chum to lure the undead, build a walled-off area and lock them inside, or steal that glorious chainsaw you’ve been eyeing for a while: everything is allowed to fight off the horde.Build and manage a Maximum Security Prison.

New Traps, Techniques, and Weapons: Desperate Times Call for Desperate (and creative) measures.Who You Gonna Call? Bounty Hunters! When things go south (because they will) and your prison can’t hold off the outbreak, call the Bounty Hunter Emergency Service: tough, trained bounty hunters will join your fight against the undead.Inmates and guards can try and fight them off, but if they fail, they will join the deadly bunch Wardens have no power over the Infected units, they will move and act independently in the prison until stopped. One inmate can get sick, some others can be bitten by an unfriendly undead, or again a bunch of infected inmates can rise (aka spawn) directly from the Graveyard. And there are many ways to become Infected.

The Rise of the Dead: In Undead, no one is safe.

Be mindful when you add gravestones though, as they will easily interrupt this peaceful atmosphere